Madeline Loo

Edited Photo #1:

For my first edited photo, I tried to play around with creating depth in a flat photograph.
I took inspiration from Dennis Hooper’s Double Standard. He used the rear view mirror to create depth
by putting the viewer in the spot of a driver in a car, with space in front of them (shown by the road
and cable wires) and behind them (shown through the cars reflecting in the mirror), creating almost an
illusion of depth. I tried to play with depth by using the reflection of the glass windows on the sky bridge
between the North and West buildings. The photo has the reflection of one side of the North building, overlaying
another side of the North building. The angle of how the photo was taken also helped to show two different
perspectives. The reflected image has its windows angled towards the right, while the other side of the
North building has its direction going towards the left. I chose to not have one image in focus, because
I wanted both views to be equally focused on by the viewer.As for composition, I tried to play around with
the rule of thirds and tried to fit it with the three arched windows of the North building.

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